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Preventive Care

Preventing Problems Before They Start

The health of your child’s teeth and mouth is very important to the well-being of his or her entire body, and while routine brushing and flossing at home is necessary to keep your child’s smile looking its best, visiting the dentist for a comprehensive exam and cleaning is essential. The American Dental Association and The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommend that your child visit the dentist every six months to ensure their teeth stay healthy and smile remains beautiful.

The Exam

During your child’s exam, Dr. Angela will thoroughly examine your child’s teeth and gums to rule out any dental problems. There are times when x-rays are recommended, but this is a case-by-case circumstance. Rest assured, at Little Dental Studio we use digital radiographs for your child's safety.

Professional Cleanings

Each cleaning is tailored to your child, as each child has their own specific needs. We only see children in this office, so we take this step very seriously as we know each child's temperament is different. We want to make sure we take great care in ensuring a positive visit for your child.

Preventive dental care is important throughout life, especially during these precious early years. By practicing good oral hygiene at home and scheduling regular checkups, your child can help keep their smile bright and healthy for many years to come. In person education and providing individualized tips for your child is an important goal of ours at Little Dental Studio. But, these daily tips are just as important!

Here are a few simple ways to prevent the build-up of plaque and cavities: All of these oral hygiene recommendations should be performed or monitored by a caregiver.

  • Make sure your child brushes their teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Use fluoride toothpaste (a smear sized amount for children who aren't able to spit the toothpaste out, and a pea-sized amount for the kiddos who can!) to remove food particles and plaque from the tooth surfaces. Also be sure your child brushes the top surface of the tongue; this will remove any extra plaque-causing food particles and help keep their breath fresh!
  • Make sure your child cleans between teeth by flossing at least once a day. Ask us when your child is ready for a mouthwash. We recommend you don't start a mouthwash regimin for your child until you review the timing with us! 
  • Make sure your child eats a balanced diet, and try to avoid extra-sugary treats. Nutritious foods such as raw vegetables, plain yogurt, cheese, or fruit can help keep your child's smile healthy.
  • Remember to schedule regular checkups with your child’s dentist every six months for a professional teeth cleaning.
  • Ask us about dental sealants, a protective plastic coating that can be applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth where decay often starts.
  • If your child plays sports, be sure to ask your dentist about special mouthguards designed to protect your child’s smile.